Forums - What are your strats, stats, and tacts?SFA3 Show all 83 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- What are your strats, stats, and tacts?SFA3 ( Posted by Shin2k on 09:28:2000 11:41 PM: Please reply. Posted by TS on 09:29:2000 02:50 AM: You'd get better answers if this question wasn't so incredibly vague. What character? Vs who? What ISMs? etc, etc. Posted by blt on 09:29:2000 03:50 PM: I like to pick V Zangief and just walk forward until they start to feel they have no choice but to do a move, then I jump over it and splash or land and double suplex. If they turtle on me instead of putting out moves I start mixing up walkup jab kara fierce spd's. (Against shoto use jab spd, enough range to neutralize low forward). If I jump at the wrong time then I just use my V to go through their antiair and nail them with a 50% damage V combo. Also against shotos and other certain characters, jump straight up fierce is the move of ultimate power, because it's a complete guess whether they can antiair it or not, it nails them out of all their moves, you can come down with spd if they try to walk in, and it beats or trades with fireballs. Against fast guys with long range like Charlie or Bison I just turtle and build up my meter with whiff coruching punch throws. then land my free double suplexes (using kattobi jump if necessary). If they walk up and try to poke, well when they walk up, what are they gonna do? attack of course, so lariat that shit, stick out a low fierce which pimps any attack, or just jump over it and hit them with jump fierce. If they didn't? V through their antiair, they die anyways. OK, they might decide to just block in fear of this. But that is fine.. I may choose to not use my V and just keep the meter flashing to scare them, meanwhile I am keeping a wall of almost continuous pressure on them while they sit there fearing my V. So then I will have people walking up and not doing any move cuz they want me to jump at the wrong time..I let em bother me, I just keep pumping the meter up till I get a V then go land my easy suplexes once again. Oh if anyone ever jumps on me I do the invincible 3K lariat which is unstoppable except for one thing, you can airblock it.. if I feel you will do that, I just use low strong (or low fierce from far). Now all this sounds like it takes a lot of guessing huh, but V Gief also takes the least damage of any character in the game (Gief has most stamina of all characters, AND he is in V mode further decreasing damage--meaning he can take a hell of a lot of hits, so I can make bad guesses really often) and he still does plenty.of damage when you finally do get that opportunity. Basically the entire game revolves around making your opponent fear you and do something you can easily counter with Zangief's jump which is really short, which allows you to punish all kinds of moves. If they don't fear you then you need to "convince" them with super long range spd's and your flashy blue meter. Keep in mind that your opponent will be doing damage in little chunks at a time (unless you get hit by a VC or super), meanwhile when you get on them you get to do a whole bunch of damage with tactics like repeated splashes and double suplexes. The damage is almost always on your side. Those are, at least, my core strategies..they don't win the match all by themselves of course..but if you think about it you can schmooze a win with it, imagine if you practiced it and got really good at intimidating your opponent? (read latest domination 101 section about how fear comes into play... zangief is a MASTER of this since his mixup options are both extremely powerful.great throws AND high damage hits) could win a lot of games with it. have fun [This message has been edited by blt (edited 09-29-2000).] Posted by thamaxx on 09:30:2000 10:26 AM: how about some strategy for Balrog? maybe it's just me or my shoto-obsessed area, but i never saw the point of using this guy. you can sweep anything he throws at you (save the turn punch), no overhead for mixups, no chain combos, nada. his dashing straight doesn't even combo all the time. I could really use some help on this guy. what am i missing? or is this guy really just a lousy character? Posted by xin2k on 09:30:2000 10:57 AM: I'm no master, but I think that Balrog's strength lies in his regular attacks. His standing fierce and roundhouse have pretty good range and they can hit ducking characters too. His medium attacks are body blows and pokes and they keep your opponent at a compfortable distance so you can pull of surprise dashing punches and dashing sweeps. You can combo his jp dashing punch after a crouching jab and that seems to always work. You can sweep his dashing punches, but that's usually when you are all the way across the screen and your opponent sees it from a mile away. If you do his dashing punches up close and in combos, you won't get sweeped so easily. If you use him in V ism, you also get his rising headbutt move as an anti-air move. So I think that Balrog is a pretty good character to use. One thing that you have to do with him just like all the charge characters is to always charge down back to buffer his moves. Posted by Shin2k on 10:05:2000 12:01 AM: What character is the best for this topic? Posted by mondu_the_fat on 10:05:2000 10:46 AM: X-Balrog is definitely one of the most underestimated characters in the game. He can face almost any X/Z-ism character fairly (except Akuma). His crouching attacks stuffs the hell out of a lot of character. Considering his walking speed and range (never mind his jump -- all of jump attacks suck) he can play footsie and poke. His super, like X-Dhalsim's, is insanely fast. It almost seems that he stops time for a couple of frames. And the damage ! Balrog's anti-air is incredible. Nearly all of his move can be used as anti-air (all except his crouching RK). The only character I've seen that can consistently beat his anti-air is Akuma (goddamn dive kick). And if the opponent tries to flip out after being hit, Balrog has enough speed, range and priority to hit him again. Balrog has chain combos. I can manage to stick together 4 weak attacks and follow it up with a Dashing Straight. Sweeping his attacks ? You've been using his specials from too near. Or you've been playing against the CPU. Balrog _does_ have a lot of problems though. However, you haven't mentioned any of them (no, things like lack of overhead don't count -- even if he had an overhead I still wouldn't use it since overheads are so slow in this game anyway), things that you would have discovered had you played Balrog long enough -- such as Balrog being easily VC'd out of his specials. Basic X-Balrog: 1) Never jump. Balrog's jump attacks suck, and is his weakest point, IMHO. 2) Never use his specials other than his jab Straight Dash. All others are suicidal attacks. However, the JP Dash straight is unbelievably useful. 2.1) If your opponent blocks the JP Dash straight, the most common response to try to counter attack. You know that you've managed to master the Dash Straight if, everytime, you recover from it outside you opponent's attack range. Shotos, for example, love to try to sweep/fireball/super Balrog right after blocking the Dash Straight. Heh. Make them eat a super, or stuff his attack with a crouching SP/FK. 3) Play footsie a lot, sticking out his crouching SP/FK. This move can snuff a lot of attacks and is imperative to learn when fighting the shotos. Learn to keep sticking the attack often enough so that you opponent won't risk using a fireball in fear of being counter-hit. 4) learn to do a dashing straight the moment you get a counter-hit message. Since Balrog pokes around so much you have to learn how to take advantage to the counter-hits. Posted by chunkis on 10:06:2000 01:44 AM: well in the arcade i have over 100 wins with ken but the dail only goes as fas 99 so it looked cheap,and no 1 could match my skill as i watch people throw there money away! have a nice day) Posted by Shin2k on 10:07:2000 01:47 AM: Who is the best person for speed? Posted by ashapiro on 10:07:2000 02:59 AM: I believe Alex Valle played A-Balrog a few years ago, and he would lock the opponent in the corner with s. fierce -> dashing punch (the low hit), repeat. I saw this on the A3 Nationals Tape (with Daigo), but I am not certain Valle was playing the A-Balrog. - Aaron Shapiro Posted by thamaxx on 10:07:2000 05:35 AM: thank you so much for the information. i've heard that the freak can kick ass, but i neve rrealized just how. a few things i've noticed that work: - releasing the turn punch just out of sweep range (easier on shotos). - jumpin HP, LP,LK, dashing straight(yep, jump attacks suck, but this one does nice chunky damage.) - i think this is common knowledge: dashing uppercut stuffs jumpers from anywhere else on the screen besides up close. - firing a dashing upper on a ducking opponent, missing on purpose and throwing (?) - HP. now a few more questions: - crouching MK is his main low poke, right? - is there a use for mashing K during rapid punch super? I'm guessing it's for countering jumpins and juggling when away from the corner. - charge b, df + K: he ducks before he uppercuts. this for mindgames, or does this have any special properties? so the main tactic is to pressure the opponent with pokes, and try to combo any poke that hits into a dashing straight, right? thanks again for the info. t's just that in all my years of gaming I have only seen one human Balrog player, and that was last week. I'm gonna try to learn this freak a little better now. Posted by mondu_the_fat on 10:07:2000 12:00 PM: quote: Originally posted by thamaxx: - releasing the turn punch just out of sweep range (easier on shotos). - firing a dashing upper on a ducking opponent, missing on purpose and throwing (?) now a few more questions: - crouching MK is his main low poke, right? - is there a use for mashing K during rapid punch super? I'm guessing it's for countering jumpins and juggling when away from the corner. so the main tactic is to pressure the opponent with pokes, and try to combo any poke that hits into a dashing straight, right? <IMG SRC=""> I can never use the turn punch properly. I've tried holding the three kick buttons down with my palm then use my fingertips to use the punches, but this only makes my wrist hurt. How do you do it ? Whiff dash upper to throw ? Haven't got that to work yet either. Reflex response of most humans is to sweep. Crouching MK and crouching FK are identical. Yes, these two are his main pokes. While in theory pressing K during Balrog's super should make it a juggler against jumpers, this doesn't work. Mid-screen, it only causes Balrog to miss right after the first hit. IMHO, there's no point in using the kick button at all. Yep. You nailed it. Also take note of ashpiro's post. I prefer crouching MK -> Dashing straight (repeat). Posted by thamaxx on 10:07:2000 08:28 PM: I can never use the turn punch properly. I've tried holding the three kick buttons down with my palm then use my fingertips to use the punches, but this only makes my wrist hurt. How do you do it ? yep, somebody oughtta whip capcom's ass for writing up commands like these. i dunno how I'd do it on the arcade either, I'm still practicing on the psx. how about using thumb pinky and ring finger to hold while index and middle tap? Posted by TS on 10:08:2000 12:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by Shin2k: Who is the best person for speed? You'd probably want to go with Guy here, but getting good with him takes some practice. And watch out for R. Mika. You could also play X-Chun Li, and poke people to death. Posted by thamaxx on 10:08:2000 06:18 AM: As a SFZ3 player, who would you rate as the top characters in the game? i mean if each character could be played at full force, which top 5 would be whooping everyone else's ass? I had a top 5, but after figuring Balrog out I'm not so sure anymore. Plus where i come from nobody ever plays the damn game on arcade (at least not without picking a shoto of course). I'm guessing Vangief and Volento are two of them? Posted by shadowcharlie on 10:08:2000 07:59 AM: fei longs first hit of rekkeken is faster then any move in the game on windup and so is he guys only good with his kick dashes for speed, ican mach my friends shin with fei long too easy Posted by mondu_the_fat on 10:09:2000 06:18 AM: At full force the shotos simply can't be beaten. If any human can play the way the CPU sometimes does (DP the moment the opponent tires anything within range, throw otherwise) then, theoretically, the shotos can beat anyone. Fortunately I no human is _that_ skilled. Realistically, my top 5 would be (in no order): V-Zangief, V-Akuma, X-Dhalsim, Z-Adon, Z-Rolento. No, this is _not_ from tourney experience. No, I'm not impressed with V-rolento at all. I've _never_ seen Rolento played in this -ism with any degree of success. Posted by blt on 10:09:2000 02:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by mondu_the_fat: At full force the shotos simply can't be beaten. If any human can play the way the CPU sometimes does (DP the moment the opponent tires anything within range, throw otherwise) then, theoretically, the shotos can beat anyone. Fortunately I no human is _that_ skilled. Realistically, my top 5 would be (in no order): V-Zangief, V-Akuma, X-Dhalsim, Z-Adon, Z-Rolento. No, this is _not_ from tourney experience. No, I'm not impressed with V-rolento at all. I've _never_ seen Rolento played in this -ism with any degree of success. V Rolento has several key abilities that A Rolento does not. I don't just mean his kattobi vc either. First off he has some decently damaging combos in V if you have the skills to do them. Secondly against some characters he can run a hellish chip against them (just VC with jab+short then do jab->pipe twirl->jab->pipe twirl repeatedly, if it hits then cancel pipetwirl to stand roundhouse to air throw, then off the wall crossup on them and chip some more). Also his pogo stick is different. After the pogo bounce, V Rolento can do any move he wants (unlike A who can only pogo again). So you can do tricky stuff like jump in on them, pogo, bounce over the head and do a crossup fwd. V Rolento's VC of course satisfies the need for a "get out of jail free card" which the other rolentos lack (Aism's level 1 or 2 string sort of serves the same purpose but is not antiair). The V Rol antiair combo is some crazy sheeit like back fierce to knife,back fierce,superjump roundhouse,fierce,knife,etc. It really is a "freestyle" combo, you have to make it up as you go along, like the V Vega antiair combo. It's very difficult (the first back fierce to knife has to be done real deep or they will recover quickly after the fierce, you need the knife to put them in "knockdown"). I heard some crazy rumor about using his backroll-to-jump-fierce special move but I have never heard anything concrete. Posted by Shin2k on 10:10:2000 12:14 AM: Who is thy best person for power? Posted by Shin2k on 10:13:2000 05:24 AM: Use X-ism for power. Posted by rpghiryux on 10:13:2000 06:18 AM: I've stopped playing A3 awhile ago as A2's more fun but I've always used Guy and then V-Zangief, Z-Adon, and -Chun-Li. Personally I know that there are better ones than guy but hes always been good with me Posted by Shin2k on 10:14:2000 10:29 PM: Who is the best all-around? Posted by TS on 10:14:2000 10:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by Shin2k: Who is the best all-around? I'd have to say V-Ryu, if you know how to use him. Posted by shadowcharlie on 10:15:2000 04:43 AM: no a ryu is more stable too easy Posted by Nos99 on 10:15:2000 07:41 AM: quote: Originally posted by blt: The V Rol antiair combo is some crazy sheeit like back fierce to knife,back fierce,superjump roundhouse,fierce,knife,etc. It really is a "freestyle" combo, you have to make it up as you go along, like the V Vega antiair combo. It's very difficult (the first back fierce to knife has to be done real deep or they will recover quickly after the fierce, you need the knife to put them in "knockdown"). I heard some crazy rumor about using his backroll-to-jump-fierce special move but I have never heard anything concrete.[/B] V-Vega's anti air freestyle? I just repeat the same pattern.. when you're P2 and it gets to the corner it can get hairy though. Posted by Nos99 on 10:15:2000 07:50 AM: quote: Originally posted by shadowcharlie: no a ryu is more stable Eh. you sorta NEED that blue meter. You're just handicapping yourself if you don't pick V-ISM. V-Ryu can seriously screw you up if you get cornered.. that, and he's still excellent outside of the corner. My pick for best all round would have to be V-Akuma. I'd like to think V-sak, wait.. nope. V-Akuma. His VC is just too damn easy too use and almost any situation. Unless you have counter VC or awesome reflexes+DP (or he blows through a move) he can pretty much spark up a VC whenever he wants and he can do damage. Runaway for meter, repeat. Akuma's already a good character, give him that blue meter and he's nutz. Posted by RockMan X on 10:17:2000 02:32 AM: In my opinion, I have to say that if you're talking about going to the MAX, then my choice for numero uno all-rounder would be A-Blanka.. with air-blocking, air-recovery + ground-rolling after air-block, and that nasty running around all over the place, there is little even the best Shotokan can do!! And ohh I have to ask, why does everyone think beating Blanka out of his rolling-attack is a piece of cake? Perhaps all the Blankas you've come up against roll from the other end of the screen, whereas the strength of the roll lies in not just trying to connect it no-matter-what-may-come, but to make sure your opponent messes up so BAD that they KNOW they're gonna get creamed by it.. otherwise Blanka's main strength lies in the brute force, range and technique of his basic attacks more than anything else, like A-Balrog (the boxer) and A-Vega (claw-guy).. Well like I said when I started typing, that's what I have to say.. that's just my opinion.. I have yet to meet someone who can beat my A-Blanka, so.. umm.. (hee hee) A good A-Nash can screw up anyone anytime anywhere, as can A-ChunLi and A-Ryu (the b@stard). You can rely on X-ism's damage-factor all you want, sure, but when it comes down to technique, then I tend to prefer V- and A-ism.. though I suck in V-ism coz I never bothered to try it =P Cammy is fast, as is ChunLi, but I like Vega (claw-guy) most.. well, these days, that is.. but his attacks are just too weak when you compare these three in A-ism.. attack me if you dare but umm i can't promise not to swear.. (yeesh) Posted by davekof on 10:17:2000 05:53 AM: My top five: A-Guy V-Ryu/X-Ryu A-Gen V-Akuma V-Rolento/V-Charlie If I had to rate them... this is what it'd look like. As for Balrog, I would have to say his true power lies in the corner trap. I say this because if he's out in the middle his moves get more predictable and are easier to counter. Try to get close to a patient X Ryu with any Balrog(X A V). If Balrog somehow isn't countered when he does his dashing punch, you should follow up with jabs(unless you're expecting a super or dp) since they're the fastest and push the opponent back farther into the corner. After this, let the trapping begin! His jabs are so good that they can be used as fairly decent anti-air. that's it The Saikyou-ryuu master Posted by Shin2k on 10:19:2000 05:55 AM: Jump a lot. Posted by Shin2k on 10:21:2000 10:55 PM: Stay low and be ready to defend. Posted by Shin2k on 10:21:2000 11:37 PM: Taunt? Especially with akuma, sukura, sodom, and rolento upclose. Posted by lancer on 10:24:2000 01:57 AM: quote: Originally posted by Shin2k: Who is thy best person for power? ---------------------------------- I'd beleive it to be zangeif on X-ism That's a strong bitch. If your good enough to beat our top three,then your good enough to be the best Posted by davekof on 10:26:2000 07:35 AM: How about classic-mode anybody for power??? If you're a patient turtle then classic would be good for u The Saikyou-ryuu master Posted by mondu_the_fat on 10:26:2000 08:46 AM: to blt: Use Zangief's VC super jump against Charlie (or anyone else for that matter) ? How and why ? Aside from the shock factor of seeing Zangief flying across the screen, it's pretty useless. Only the first few frames are invulnerable--he can be hit by anything midflight. Against Charlie I'd rather use the Body Splash. Only a _perfectly_ executed VC will stop it. With V-Zangief I'd rather walk backward and turtle, until the opponent gets too overconfident and tries to jump on Zangief, then I'll land a 70% VC. Zangief's lariat (3P or 3K) is only useful if your opponent isn't used to playing against Zangief. Try that on an experienced player and he'll just change the timing of his aerial attack somewhat and hit Zangief's hair instead. Thanks for the V-Rolento strats ! to Rockman X: I also used to defend Blanka's right to be called top tier. I now apologize to those whom I bashed. Rockman X, you haven't met a decent Dhalsim player have you ? There's not a thing Blanka can do against him. NOT A THING. Zero. Zip. I've had Blanka players give up midway through a match when they realized that Blanka has no attack that Dhalsim simply can't stuff or punish severely. Z-Nash ? He's next to useless comapared to his V-version. to Davekoff: Any Classic-ism character will simply die against a decent V-character. Having 40% of your lifebar shaved off by a corner VC while you were blocking is the most obvious arguement against classic-ism. Besides, classic-ism and X-ism inflict the same damage. Posted by blt on 10:26:2000 10:56 AM: quote: Originally posted by mondu_the_fat: to blt: Use Zangief's VC super jump against Charlie (or anyone else for that matter) ? How and why ? Aside from the shock factor of seeing Zangief flying across the screen, it's pretty useless. Only the first few frames are invulnerable--he can be hit by anything midflight. Use it from midscreen (or a little further) and immediately hit fierce to get the jump up fierce. That move will beat just about anything. Yes, shotos can VC it, but other characters can't. quote: Against Charlie I'd rather use the Body Splash. Only a _perfectly_ executed VC will stop it. Well, I don't know about this "perfectly" executed stuff, it seems pretty easy to me to beat it with a VC, but you are right, charlie's antiairs are weak and as long as he doesn't have meter, you can pretty much jumpin knees and crossup splash all day. (I think the only thing he has that can beat the knees up close is a jump back fierce. The splash can be beaten by low strong unless it's a crossup). quote: With V-Zangief I'd rather walk backward and turtle, until the opponent gets too overconfident and tries to jump on Zangief, then I'll land a 70% VC. That's a little simplistic for a plan to win, isn't it? What makes you think they will jump in? quote: Zangief's lariat (3P or 3K) is only useful if your opponent isn't used to playing against Zangief. Try that on an experienced player and he'll just change the timing of his aerial attack somewhat and hit Zangief's hair instead. This applies to the 3P lariat, which sucks. Not so for the 3K -- it is, for all intents and purposes, a dragon punch -- no fancy timing is going to defeat it. yes, you heard Right..a dragon punch. Gief's 3K lariat has the same number of full-body invulnerable frames as Ryu's jab dp. The trick to using it is to crouch and do the move as deep as possible (think Sagat's tiger uppercut in old school...crouching uppercut is unstoppable). In that manner there is no jumpin attack that can defeat it. You want to time it so their attack goes into the middle of Gief's body. So what if they hit their button early? Since you're crouching, it'll whiff. And if they hit their button deep, the lariat takes it out. See? The lariat CAN be stuffed by ultra-deep attacks (like Charlie's jump roundhouse from really far hitting Gief's ankle, or Chun-Li foot-level crossups). Posted by nE0|_i|_iTh on 10:29:2000 12:48 AM: Is here anyone who can give me some tips on using the VC? I mean in general, like when to use it and what I have to do? Right now I know two opportunities where you can use them properly. That is after a Jump- In from the opponent and the other is after a knockdown. I know some combos with Ryu and Sakura, but can you give me some more? I like playing those two the best, that's why I want to know some more with them. Thanks Doth thou desire the power.... Posted by Mouko on 10:29:2000 01:05 AM: Generally you want to use a Vism (if your character has an anti air vism, ex: sakuras) when they jump in and attack or blow through their attack (anticipating) or after a knockdown. There are certain characters where it's a little safe to do it out of nowhere (like akumas) Watch the b4 video if you haven't yet, if you haven't ordered one, you should be banned from! get one now! it's VERY helpful. Peter "Mouko" Nguyen AIM: inkheads Yahoo: Violent_Ink ~Part of the Unofficial Team Milpitas Golfland~ Posted by nE0|_i|_iTh on 10:29:2000 01:14 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mouko: Generally you want to use a Vism (if your character has an anti air vism, ex: sakuras) when they jump in and attack or blow through their attack (anticipating) You are talking about the B.Fierce right? I mean Sakuras anti air move. quote: Watch the b4 video if you haven't yet, if you haven't ordered one, you should be banned from! get one now! it's VERY helpful. Hey, I'm about to order it! Yeah, but is there anyone who can actually tell me something without referring to the tape? Of course it helpful, but RIGHT now I don't own it. Doth thou desire the power.... Posted by Shin2k on 10:29:2000 11:26 PM: Need more knowledge. Posted by ComputerKid on 10:29:2000 11:31 PM: Man shin2k you always talk about me posting stupid stuff you post stuff like best speed,best all around,and other bs like that. To become the best first you must beat the best!! Posted by lancer on 10:31:2000 05:49 AM: Shoalin!...there you go Computer Kiddo ................. Are you AFRIAD of the dark??? If your good enough to beat our top three,then your good enough to be the best Posted by thamaxx on 11:01:2000 01:33 PM: just thought i'd post something that made sense into this thread. thanks for all the info on Balrog. i've been able to kill a few scrubs with the guy so far on SFZ3 and SNKvsC, but i'm still far from good. so riddle me this: - i can straight punch after a fireball, but that gets me floored even if i connect. so how do you handle fireballs if you don't jump? (SFZ3) - throw? how much? - where should i be most of the match? the lug's optimum range i mean.. - use Valrog? his standing HP is shortened if you're charging for a special. - WTF does "charge b, df + K" do anyway? besides knocking them down i mean, if that isn't it's main use. okay, more questions: - how do you (yes, you) implement A/R/K's hurricane kick in your game? - is it actually common to use jabs to poke opponents out of air attacks? (using shotos) - besides practicing at SF, what other ways are there to improve finger dexterity in performing the hard commands (eg combo > super) in SF? i got more, but i'll stop here. anybody else post their questions here if they have any, i think it'll help all of us. Posted by nE0|_i|_iTh on 11:01:2000 06:25 PM: quote: Originally posted by thamaxx: okay, more questions: - how do you (yes, you) implement A/R/K's hurricane kick in your game? Hm, for instance at the beginning of a match. Try it to surprise your opponent. If he's fast enough, though, you're pissed off. So this is kinda risyk. You can also use the Tatsumaki in a combo. Simply do a Jab, Short link then buffer into the special and that's it. With Akuma's Short- atsumaki you can also do a lot of nasty tricks. Tryto juggle him over the entire screen with this move. And then finish with a Dragon Punch or a Super. Another tactic that I use is when you want to get save. Jump forward in the air and then do the Tatsumaki. You will fly over your opponent on the other side. quote: - is it actually common to use jabs to poke opponents out of air attacks? (using shotos) I don't know if it's common, but I know that I use that a lot. It's funny, thoug quote: - besides practicing at SF, what other ways are there to improve finger dexterity in performing the hard commands (eg combo > super) in SF? ??? Oh, wait! LOL, try and improve your typing skills, LOL quote: i got more, but i'll stop here. anybody else post their questions here if they have any, i think it'll help all of us. Well, I did and I got no answer. Maybe I ask again. This time a bit more precisely: Ok, I use VSakura. One of my fav. character. I already managed to learn her Guead Break combo. Now I want to go for the anywhere juggle. But I still have some problems. My problems aren't the combos. I actually know what to do. I use, ot try to use two of her anywhere juggles: hit the opponent anti air with B.Fierce, start VC1 Jab Shou Ou Ken and then Strong ones across the screen at the end I often use the Sakura Otoshi. Ok, that's the combo. But sometimes the opponent is able to air recover. Now my question is: What did I wrong? Also, the other combo: VC3 catch the opponent out of the air with B.Fierce, then do Forward Shunpu Kyaku, then B.Fierce and so on. So you see that I know WHAT I have to do. But HOW am I supposed to do that? Can you give me some tips on it? O mean tips on how to perform it easier. For instance how do I have to move the joystick and so on. Thanks Doth thou desire the power.... Posted by Nos99 on 11:01:2000 10:00 PM: quote: Originally posted by thamaxx: - i can straight punch after a fireball, but that gets me floored even if i connect. so how do you handle fireballs if you don't jump? (SFZ3) don't know too much about Rog myself.. but I do know that you want to keep them at the tip of your dash punch. They can reversal super you if you don't. quote: - how do you (yes, you) implement A/R/K's hurricane kick in your game? In combo.. that's about it. Sometimes to go over FBs, and sometimes in close to switch sides and confuse and stuff. But really quickly, and that's it. The HK is VC bait IMO. Mainly just in combo. The ground hurricane seems lame to me.. I always get hit, and I always hit people out of them. On the other hand, Air hurricane is really good.. Good for offence, runaway, and when jumping straight up over FBs. quote: - is it actually common to use jabs to poke opponents out of air attacks? (using shotos) A lot of characters can do that.. D.strong seems to work well too. But with the shotos, wouldn't you want to DP just to be safe? I've seen d.jab/strong stop a lot of crossups though.. that works really well. oh yeah.. close s.jab into hooligan roll anti-air kicks ass. heh. quote: - besides practicing at SF, what other ways are there to improve finger dexterity in performing the hard commands (eg combo > super) in SF? Not much i don't think.. just practice d.short into super. Then you try d.jab, d.short, super. Once you get that, your basically set. You should never miss a super combo opportunity after a jump-in if you have jab-short-super down. Posted by TS on 11:01:2000 11:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by thamaxx: okay, more questions: - how do you (yes, you) implement A/R/K's hurricane kick in your game? - is it actually common to use jabs to poke opponents out of air attacks? (using shotos) - besides practicing at SF, what other ways are there to improve finger dexterity in performing the hard commands (eg combo > super) in SF? i got more, but i'll stop here. anybody else post their questions here if they have any, i think it'll help all of us. - Combos, like everybody said. Crouch SK, SK HK, DP with Akuma...or you could do VC1, crouch SK, SK HK, stand FP, fireball, and go into a VC. And of course Ryu has that nasty corner juggle. Wouldn't use Ken's outside of a VC- VC3, crouch SP, [RK HK, stand FP/RK]xn in the corner. And of course you could use their HKs in mid air to bulid up the meter. -Wouldn't reccomend the Jabs...would much rather go with a crouch SP, or a JP Dragon Punch. I'd leave the standing JPs to other characters like Dhalsim and Rose. -Not sure about the finger dexterity, though any way other than playing SF. Just go into training mode, get the dummy in the corner, and just keep doing repeated supers over and over again on whichever side is hardest, with as little time in between as possible. Really couldn't think of anything other than SF that would teach you. I was curious...How would somebody play V-Fei Long? Does he have anything? Posted by Shin2k on 11:02:2000 04:48 AM: Use quick p/k to counter from ground recoveries. Posted by Nos99 on 11:02:2000 09:03 PM: quote: I was curious...How would somebody play V-Fei Long? Does he have anything? He's got weak VCs.. but versatile. He's got a very big VC.. meaning he can cover quite a bit of of the playing field, and he can cover a lot of situations.. But they're weak.. I have yet to find a VC that does over 50%. it's *sorta* like A2 in that if they whiff anything, you can activate and fly in with your custom. Sorta.. :-) The wrekka ken has good range.. especially for anti-air VCs. Anyhow, he's got a midscreen VC, anti-air VC, corner VCs, midscreen GC VC, corner GC VC, corner hard-to-block VC. They all link together nicely too. As for how to play him? I don't really know, since I'm the only guy I know who uses him. I suppose you could Go all out and V like crazy, or just save it for a safety net since they're so weak.. Anyhow, I just play him basic Fei. sprinkle in a few VCs to get them cornered or to drain guardmeter+life, and just try to overpower them with pokes and wrekka kens. [This message has been edited by Nos99 (edited 11-02-2000).] Posted by nE0|_i|_iTh on 11:02:2000 09:31 PM: How come that nobody can help me with Sakura? Doth thou desire the power.... Posted by Nos99 on 11:02:2000 09:43 PM: quote: Originally posted by nE0|_i|_iTh: hit the opponent anti air with B.Fierce, start VC1 Jab Shou Ou Ken and then Strong ones across the screen at the end I often use the Sakura Otoshi. Ok, that's the combo. But sometimes the opponent is able to air recover. What did I wrong? Well, if they air recovered you either didn't cancel well enough (you returned to neutral state) or used a move that can't be cancelled and garauntees a neutral state. As for your combo.. never heard of that one. Do you mean to anti-air b+fierce, they PP flip, then you VC? anyhow.. I know of a similar one. VC1, jab DP (hit them out of the air or on the ground), strong DP, whiff d.attack into strong DP, repeat.. This is possibly Sakura's easiest midscreen VC. As for your request.. when you see them jump, wait for them to fall somewhat deep then press jab+short to activate VC. Now time your jab shou ou ken so you finish the motion as soon as the VC flash ends. You should instantly DP right after activation. When you land from the jab DP, finish your motion for a strong shou ou ken. You should instantly go into the strong DP when you land from your first DP. You're cancelling your delay here so they can't PP flip. Now, when you land from your strong DP perform a whiff normal attack into another strong DP. There are two ways to do this.. you can incorporate the normal into your DP motion or not. Here are 2 examples. you're landing from the strong DP, hold down and press roundhouse when you land (Sakura does a whiff sweep), perform a strong DP motion so that Sakura catches her opponent with another strong DP before they land. or you're landing from the strong DP.. now press towards, then down + roundhouse, then down+towards + strong punch. You have to time it so that the roundhouse comes out shortly, and then you come out of it the strong DP and catch your opponent out of the air before they land. Then you just repeat repeat repeat until you get to the corner. Then you juggle with normal attack into whiff FB. I recommend s.fierce, b+fierce, b+roundhouse, or d.fierce. Whatever works best for you.. quote: Also, the other combo: VC3 catch the opponent out of the air with B.Fierce, then do Forward Shunpu Kyaku, then B.Fierce and so on. Never heard of that one either.. But I do know of a similar one again. VC3, jab sho ou ken (works against ground and airborne opponents), now hold back on the joystick. When you land from your jab DP, keep holding back and press fierce punch. You should cancel your shou ou ken delay directly into the back+fierce. When the fierce connects, quickly perform a hurricane kick motion and press forward kick. This hurricane is meant to miss.. it's only used as a means of transportation. Now hold back while you're doing the whiff HK. When you land, keep holding back and press fierce. You should catch your opponent out of the air with the fierce.. now quickly cancel the fierce into a SHORT hurricane kick (again, meant to whiff. No HKs should connect in the combo). hold back on the joystick. When you land from the HK, hit fierce into another whiff short HK. repeat repeat repeat. However, you have to keep an eye on how far away your opponent gets. After a few short HKs, you will probably need to do a whiff FORWARD hurricane kick again instead of a short HK to get closer and keep the combo going. That is probably the hardest part of this combo. Anyhow, Once you reach the corner with a whiff hurricane kick, cancel into back+fierce into whiff FB. Then do repeated normal attack into whiff FB. (See above) If you finish your VC with whiff FB, cancel your delay with s.strong into DP+K.. i dunno, looks cool. Posted by Fakefist on 11:02:2000 10:15 PM: jabs/shorts for anti-air I use quite a bit, but not with shotos...I usually use it with characters who have charge anti-air moves, like chunster/guile/charlie, and then buffer the rest of the move to combo. it's a funky little combo, although tricky to learn the timing of at first. I first began doing it when people starting blocking chun's whirly-thingy anti-air move. I started performing it later in the jump-in (so that I was actually touching the ground so they can't airblock), and then found that people could hit me deep and trade/beat my move. Chun's jab is actually decent anti-air (although her standing fierce is awesome from a distance), and it's just kinda fun to do a jab->whirlykick combo. With guile it's actually quite useful, because his flashkick leaves the ground always, and thus can always be airblocked. It's also for his standing Fierce -> flashkick from the ground, which does decent damage for a 2-hit. Does anyone else do this? -Q. P.S. as a side note, for anyone who doesn't happen to know what I'm talking about (not trying to insult anyone's intelligence), You can 2-in-1 with a charge move by interrupting the charge with another attack then inputting the rest of the charge move. So it's like: Charge D->neutral->LP->(quickly)U+K to do Chunli's jab->whirly (anybody know the name for this move so I can stop calling it whirly? Again, if you know this already, ignore it. If you don't, now you do. Posted by Nos99 on 11:02:2000 10:55 PM: X-ism Chun Li's Spinning Bird Kick? Man.. Don't you -want- people to airblock that? Have you see the chip damage it does? and yes i do some of that stuff.. I anti-air punch into special with a lot of characters actually (especially Guy and charlie/Guile). but I mostly use low strong instead of jab. I find that jab is sometimes better when the opponent is on top of you... depends on the characters really. Posted by Fakefist on 11:02:2000 11:31 PM: no, not x-ism Chun...A-ism chun's up-in-the-air thing...w/ her, the move is more show-off than anything -the damage on it bites something fierce. X-ism's spinning bird is *ridiculous* for chip-damage. I got my brother to block that once and we were both surprised when I killed him of the chip!! :P in general, X-ism Chun does screwy damage, like with her three-hit wonder combo...I am still more of a fan of A-ism Chun though (Yay, jumpsuit!). -Q. Posted by TS on 11:03:2000 05:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by Nos99: Anyhow, he's got a midscreen VC, anti-air VC, corner VCs, midscreen GC VC, corner GC VC, corner hard-to-block VC. They all link together nicely too. Could you tell me what they are? Posted by nE0|_i|_iTh on 11:03:2000 03:28 PM: Yeah, thanks Nos. That was detailed. I'm gonna practise it when I'm done here. Thank you Doth thou desire the power.... Posted by mondu_the_fat on 11:04:2000 07:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by thamaxx: - i can straight punch after a fireball, but that gets me floored even if i connect. so how do you handle fireballs if you don't jump? (SFZ3) - how do you (yes, you) implement A/R/K's hurricane kick in your game? - is it actually common to use jabs to poke opponents out of air attacks? (using shotos) Quite some time ago, I pointed Balrog's Straight Punch problem out in a.g.sf2. I said there that he can be hit even after his Straight Punch connects, since the hit stun time is so short. I got my ass flamed out. "Never happened to me," someone said. "WTF ?" from another. Bah ! Now this is what I was talking about Balrog's problems becoming apperent only after playing him for some time. I deal with fireballs by crowding my opponent. I block the fireball, then walk in then poke with the crouching SP/FK. In other words, deal with the fireball by not letting it come out in the first place. I use Ryu's hurricane _only_ in combos. I use Ken's (air) hurricane _only_ as cross-up (using it in combos is suicide). Akuma's hurricane can be used as either, and as part of confusion tactics. Jabs as anti-air (with the shotos) I do if I'm feeling lazy (or tired). Posted by Nos99 on 11:04:2000 10:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by TS: Could you tell me what they are? Uh, ok. anywhere, VC1, fierce wrekka ken x3, d.strong, fierce wrekka ken x3, d.strong, etc.. This is a basic guard crush/chip VC. If you start it close to your opponent you can try starting with a normal into the wrekka kens. d.short/jab/strong into wrekka kens for example or s.fierce into wrekka kens for GC, or even s.fierce x2 into wrekka kens for more GC. If you connect with the wrekka kens midscreen, press towards+roundhouse and go into his midscreen VC. If they're in the corner and you connect with anything just go into a corner VC. You could try replace the d.strong with towards+roundhouse when you reach the corner for more guard crush. midscreen, VC1, fierce wrekka ken x3, towards+roundhouse, roundhouse flame kick, towards+roundhouse, roundhouse flame kick, etc.. when you reach the corner just keep doing repeated short flame kicks or something. If you're close try starting out with a normal (like above). midscreen, VC2, fierce wrekka ken x3, d.strong, fierce wrekka ken x3, d.strong, etc.. Another chip/GC VC.. But this one can lead into a confusion VC. If the wrekka kens connect, go into the VC below or the next one.. if you reach the corner go to the confusion VC (if you want). Again, you can try using a normal first if you start it close (that goes for all of his wrekka ken VCs) This is the VC I use the most. midscreen, VC2, fierce wrekka ken x3, towards+roundhouse, short flame kick, strong wrekka kens x3 (2nd one whiffs), towards+roundhouse, short flame kick, strong wrekka ken x3 (2nd one whiffs), etc.. Once you connect with the wrekka kens, do the stepping kick. Now after a slight delay, do a short flame kick and fly at them with a strong wrekka ken afterward. You have to time this part... the first one hits, the 2nd one whiffs, and the 3rd wrekka ken connects right before they touch the ground. It might take a bit of practice. When you reach the corner go into his corner VC (duh). midscreen, VC2, fierce wrekka ken x3, whiff sweep, strong wrekka kens x3 (2nd one whiffs), whiff sweep, strong wrekka kens x3 (2nd one whiffs), etc.. Another version of the one above.. juggling them with only the wrekka kens. As usual, you can start with a normal and go into his corner VC when you reach the corner (i won't say this any more) anti-air, VC2, wrekka kens x3 (2nd one whiffs), whiff sweep, strong wrekka kens x3 (2n one whiffs), whiff sweep, strong wrekka kens x3 (2nd one whiffs), etc.. This one is sorta obvious. Anyhow, with the first set of wrekka kens, you have to judge the distance and wrekka ken accordingly. If they're right on top of you you could probably do jab-jab-strong wrekka kens for example. If they're far away you could try fierce-fierce-fierce wrekka kens. Just experiment to get a feel for it. You've got big range on the fierce wrekka ken, almost a half screen.. and especially when your opponent is low to the ground. corner VC1, repeated short flame kicks.. or anything really. Just do loads of flame kicks. it's easy to do a corner VC with Fei. corner VC2, deep roundhouse/forward flame kick (2 hits), whiff sweep, deep roundhouse/foward flame kicks, whiff sweep, etc.. Nothing special. corner VC2, deep roundhouse flame kick, whiff sweep, deep short flame kick, whiff sweep, deep short flame kick, etc.. This is the best corner VC i can come up with.. When you connect with the short flame kick, try to keep the opponent at chest height. If you're doing this from a midscreen VC, you can leave out the first rh flame kick and just start with short flame kicks. corner confusion, VC2, fierce wrekka ken x3, d.strong, short twisty kick, d.short, fierce wrekka kens x3, go into any VC2 corner VC. Do this if they're blocking. I've never seen anyone block anything after the d.short.. just cancel everything nice and quickly and you make a nice mess. For scrub torture, do something like d.forward->d.fierce->short twisty kick->repeat. Just remember to cancel quickly And he's got the usual VC1 crossup into low kicks into custom.. sorta hard to block. Anyhow, do you see how you can string all of these together? One thing to remember when juggling with the wrekka kens.. modify your wrekka kens so that you can go into the corner cleanly. Sometimes you might be a bit close to the corner, so you might jugle with something like jab-jab(whiff)-jab wrekka kens and then go into his corner VC. Or if you're close enough after a set of wrekka kens, just do the step kick into a corner VC. Basic play style for me is to pester with low punches, chain jabs into wrekka kens if I'm close (and especially after crossup. d.jab x2), don't forget out your ducking fierce for anti-air.. that thing is weird. You can even stop cross-ups with it. And especially after you opponent flips out.. low fierce is awesome for that. (watch out for drop-thru, and certain attacks that can hit it) Plus it can beat anything on the ground if placed right (including FBs and DPs). If you counterhit with d.strong you can link wrekka kens on afterward. When they're getting up try meaty low fierce, if it connects you can link on some wrekka kens. If it's blocked you can do strong-strong-strong wrekka kens and be safe afterwards. oh yeah, flame kick through a many fireballs as you can... when they d.forward into FB, short flame kick through the FB if placed right (or VC of course). I love that. heh. Most of all though, try and be a total prick with the wrekka kens.. stay just at the tip of their range, beat their pokes, and punish ANY whiffs with a set of wrekka kens. learn how to do the wrekka ken so that you're safe afterward. Try fierce-fierce-jab from max range. There are some characters that can hit you regardless.. but some like the shotos can't hit you at all. If they block your set of wrekka kens, watch for their counter and punish. If they d.jab or anything, just blast in with another set. If they walk forward do they same. If they sweep it'll whiff and blast them. If they super or anything, VC through it. etc. This kind of stuff is easier when they're cornered. Try stuff like only one wrekka ken if it's blocked.. or fierce-strong. If they twitch do the third and hit them, if not do nothing. You're safe anyhow if you place them right. As for VC style.. i dunno. They only do 30-45% at the most, so I usually just blow my meter the first chance I get and get a bit of damage (confusion if the block) and try again the next time my meter is up.. unless I want to save it for counter VC or something. Just remember that you wrekka kens have big range. If you can come up with anything else usefull, please let me know! I like using him a lot and would love to hear some new stuff. -Nos99 [This message has been edited by Nos99 (edited 11-03-2000).] Posted by Apoc on 11:05:2000 04:51 PM: quote: Originally posted by mondu_the_fat: X-Balrog is definitely one of the most underestimated characters in the game. He can face almost any X/Z-ism character fairly (except Akuma)." Oh really? Rog can't hang even with x and aism akuma? "His crouching attacks stuffs the hell out of a lot of character. Considering his walking speed and range (never mind his jump -- all of jump attacks suck) he can play footsie and poke." "His super, like X-Dhalsim's, is insanely fast. It almost seems that he stops time for a couple of frames. And the damage !" He does stop time. "Balrog's anti-air is incredible. Nearly all of his move can be used as anti-air (all except his crouching RK). The only character I've seen that can consistently beat his anti-air is Akuma (goddamn dive kick). Standing jab, jumping frc, or early strong before akuma gets to his peak takes care of the divekick. "And if the opponent tries to flip out after being hit, Balrog has enough speed, range and priority to hit him again. "Balrog has chain combos. I can manage to stick together 4 weak attacks and follow it up with a Dashing Straight. "Sweeping his attacks ? You've been using his specials from too near. Or you've been playing against the CPU. Balrog _does_ have a lot of problems though. However, you haven't mentioned any of them (no, things like lack of overhead don't count -- even if he had an overhead I still wouldn't use it since overheads are so slow in this game anyway)," An overhead would be a welcome addition. "things that you would have discovered had you played Balrog long enough -- such as Balrog being easily VC'd out of his specials." Basic X-Balrog: 1) Never jump. Balrog's jump attacks suck, and is his weakest point, IMHO." R u smoking crack? heheh. Seriously his jumping short outprioritizes almost anything or trades and causes longer stun so that if you jump over a fireball late and land a high jab..the opponent will stay stunned so you can land 2-3 more jabs to the super. His jumping strong is a give and take...less priority but more damage and is able to major counter. Jumping jab/short(I use short hehe same thing) is God for rog. How are you ever gonna guardcrush without jumping? "2) Never use his specials other than his jab Straight Dash. All others are suicidal attacks. However, the JP Dash straight is unbelievably useful. " *sigh* in combos use frc to knock down...and you shouldn't be using any straight dash on 360 x use the short frc trick for the same damage while maintaining distance. And don't use his specials!? I'm not trying to be rude...but if you don't know how to play Rog why outline how to play him wrong for others? "2.1) If your opponent blocks the JP Dash straight, the most common response to try to counter attack. You know that you've managed to master the Dash Straight if, everytime, you recover from it outside you opponent's attack range. Shotos, for example, love to try to sweep/fireball/super Balrog right after blocking the Dash Straight. Heh. Make them eat a super, or stuff his attack with a crouching SP/FK. 3) Play footsie a lot, sticking out his crouching SP/FK. This move can snuff a lot of attacks and is imperative to learn when fighting the shotos. Learn to keep sticking the attack often enough so that you opponent won't risk using a fireball in fear of being counter-hit." Note:st.frc is better since when it major counters you can get free juggles...also causes more GC. Also low strong stays out longer in Xism and is higher priority. "4) learn to do a dashing straight the moment you get a counter-hit message. Since Balrog pokes around so much you have to learn how to take advantage to the counter-hits. " Why wait for a message? Just rush when you connect any jab/short, strong/forward with frc. I've always been curious as to whether or not many ppl knew how to use Rog well on A3. Apoc. Posted by Apoc on 11:05:2000 04:53 PM: quote: Originally posted by ashapiro: I believe Alex Valle played A-Balrog a few years ago, and he would lock the opponent in the corner with s. fierce -> dashing punch (the low hit), repeat. I saw this on the A3 Nationals Tape (with Daigo), but I am not certain Valle was playing the A-Balrog. Nope. It was me. And that was a bad match...sorry. Apoc. Why do they only put the bad matches on tape? - Aaron Shapiro Posted by ComputerKid on 11:06:2000 02:16 AM: Posted by ashapiro on 11:06:2000 04:03 AM: heh. I thought it was good. You shut the Ryu down in the corner for a while pretty nicely. I was impressed, anyway. - Aaron Shapiro Posted by Shin2k on 11:09:2000 04:03 AM: Find the weakness to your character and find a way to fix that problem. EX: Dahlsim's is the slowest character so when you are moving and about to get hit teleport instantly and that will make you avoid the attack. Posted by chunkis on 11:13:2000 12:57 AM: shoryuken!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by chunkis on 11:13:2000 12:58 AM: have a nice day Posted by thamaxx on 11:13:2000 11:02 AM: first of all, thanks to everyone who contributed their strategies to this thread. i'm learning more than i ever could've on my own. i whooped a bit of ass with balrog at SNKvsC about a week back. man that felt good. they were all shotos and kyo/iori teams too. anyway, back to the topic: SFZ3. - Sodom V combo 2: qcf+LP, qcf+LP, qcf+LP, qcf+LP...... any suggestions on how to beat this? i mean without using zero counters. - with balrog, how do you beat ken? straights go right over him while he's ducking. the rushing sweep is pretty slow i'm afraid. the questions with balrog still stand. plus an extra one: what do you use his turn punch for? oh yeah, and the hurricane kick. how's this? with Gouki: d+LP, d+LK, qcb+LK, (hover) LP, LP, f, LK, HP. Posted by Shin2k on 11:14:2000 04:35 AM: Find new players to test you skill on? Spread the word.SFA3 Posted by Shin2k on 11:14:2000 05:05 AM: Power=Zangief Speed=Vega Technique= Posted by thamaxx on 11:15:2000 07:54 AM: aight, maybe this would be easier. post you attack strings for your favourite characters. not combos (necessarily), but the sequence of moves u use to stay in control, regardless of whether or not each move is blocked. say, for nash: jab sonic boom, dash, charge db+LP, db+LK, db+MK, [wait a split sec] flash kick/airthrow if opponent jumps toward, sonic boom otherwise. rinse and repeat. when used effectively, this presses the opponent into the corner for more pressure-cooking. or gouki: cross up/dive kick, d+LP, d+LK, then... - f+MK, repeat above string - d+MK xx hadoken xx red hadoken - jab shoryuken - hundred demon roll (sorry, i couldn't remember the names) xx throw - just-above-the-ground tenma gou zankuu (super air fireball) - xx hurricane kick, throw shun goku satsu anyway, that's all i can think up right now. but i hope i've explained what a string is effectively through these examples. now how about posting some? i'm curious as to what the masters use. and btw, why don't i see any mindgame tactics here? this thread could use a couple more. Posted by TS on 11:15:2000 09:06 AM: Gotta catch a bus, so I'll just name some little GC/poke things off of the top of my head. Rose Crouching JPx3, crouching FK Crouching JPx2, standing FK or b+FK (I play V-ISM Rose) Crouching JP, crouching SK, crouching SP, SK Soul Spiral Crouch SK, crouch FK, standing RK I usually don't work in set paterns though...I generally try to go for a "freestyle" poke series, but these are the things that popped into my head. Honda Crouch SKx2 Headbutt special or butt drop special Crouch/stand SK, Standing FP Crouch SK, stand SP Crouch SK, stand FK cross up Body splash (jumping FK), standing SK, 360° + P throw There was some little corner preassure thing I was working on the CPU using X-Guile, but I forget what it was... Also you can do some ugly things with Dee Jay if you have your opponent cornered, but I'm sure everybody knows that. Posted by Nos99 on 11:15:2000 12:21 PM: Dee Jay kicks.. I don't know what to use up close though. But I do like his maxout. He's waaaay different than his ssf2/ST character IMO. I want the jab jab strong back!! Posted by xin2k on 11:15:2000 08:40 PM: I used to do Balrog's charge punch in the arcade super sf2 game and it was difficult, but it wasn't too hard. It's a lot easier to charge it up on the psx than in the arcade. You just hold one button instead of 3. If you can actually hold the charge for... was it 30 or 60 seconds?... then the damage (50%) and the look on your opponent's face is priceless. I've only done it in a match a couple of times. Charging for it takes away either all your punching options or your kicking (punching also) options, but it's cool for shock value. quote: "You can not defeat what you can not touch." - Guy.. I think. Posted by Nos99 on 11:15:2000 10:25 PM: one cool thing to do with the final punch is try to anti-air s.jab or something into the final punch. You have to get a counterhit of course.. a VERY damaging 2 hit combo! Posted by thamaxx on 11:17:2000 05:37 AM: LOL yeah, i could try that. say, which do you prefer personally, charging 3P, or 3K? - d+LP, d+MP xx release 3K - d+LP, MK xx release 3P deceptive to people who hardly play against balrog Posted by Nos99 on 11:17:2000 08:52 AM: i usually use kicks.. i usually play X-ism. I don't really play Rog too much though, so I wouldn't be able to say what's best. Those combos don't work though right? I don't remember being able to combo a final on a grounded opponent. Posted by thamaxx on 11:17:2000 10:15 AM: they don't combo, just strings. the MP should push you out of sweep range; brief, awkward pause; then the turn punch. another one would be db+LP, db+MP, b+HP, release 3K / LP dashing straight / dashing sweep. if they jump, dashing upper. damn, u know what? i just love this guy now. Posted by samnerik on 11:17:2000 11:31 AM: Hey guys, I don't know, I never really got the hang of Street Fighter Alpha 3. I can beat my friends no problem, but I think at any sort of decent tournament I'd get smacked about the head and neck. Anyways, I really like A-AKUMA. I like that if you see that anti-air coming, you can do a super air fireball and run right over them. Plus, it must be the best looking move in the game. "If it's confusing to your mind, just consider this. It can be scary if it gets to real, But you should be digging it while it's happening, Because it just might be a one shot deal." - Frank ZaPPa - -= samNerik =- Posted by thamaxx on 11:22:2000 05:36 AM: and now, a blatant, shameless plug. "Out of my way, I'm going to see my mother." - Sephiroth, Final Fantasy VII Posted by Shin2k on 11:28:2000 05:46 AM: I you play timed games try to get a level 3 super on your opponent then try to evade their attacks by teleporting (akuma,etc) and hope that you are alive by the time is done. Posted by Shin2k on 11:28:2000 05:47 AM: I you play timed games try to get a level 3 super on your opponent then try to evade their attacks by teleporting (akuma,etc), try to keep your life above your enemie's, and hope that you are alive by the time is done. Posted by Shin2k on 12:07:2000 04:15 AM: Play previous SF games. It may give you new ideas to combo, stategy, and tactics. Posted by Shin2k on 12:09:2000 03:20 AM: Need more info. Posted by Shin2k on 12:10:2000 08:01 AM: Please reply! Posted by Shin2k on 12:25:2000 06:18 AM: I you are good at SFA3 then try to beat the arcade mode on level 8. I tried this and it really improved my skills. Posted by Shin2k on 12:25:2000 06:22 AM: Raging demon for Akuma or Evil Ryu is a good finishing move to end the match quickly. Shin Akuma is recommended for this tactic. All times are GMT. The time now is 12:32 AM. Show all 83 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.